Trademark: $800
- Comprehensive trademark search, including:
- Federal Trademark Database
- Google Search
- Social - Facebook, Instagram
- Domains
- State Business Registry
- State Trademark Database
- Trademark Memo including search results and business analysis​
- Assistance with gathering the necessary documentation
- Preparing and filing of trademark application
- Trademark application review
- All correspondence with USPTO (trademark office)
- Serving of Attorney of Record
- Templated Cease and Desist Letter
- Framed Trademark Registration Certificate
Business Formation
starting at $150, depending on business
- Corporations
- Partnerships
- Non-profits
Contract Drafting/Review
starting at $150, including but not limited to
- Independent Contractor Agreements
- Employment Agreements
- Vendor Agreements
- Operating Agreements
- Liability and Disclosure Notices
- Privacy Notices
- Client Service Agreement
- Website Terms of Use
Business Packages
- New Business Started Kit: Business Formation, EIN #, Trademark, and business bank account - $1200
- Website Compliance Package: Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Trademark - $1000
- Operational Compliance Package: Operational Agreement, Employee Contracts, Independent Contractor Agreements, Client Service Agreement - starting at $750